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KDDI TV Commercial in 2003 -2/2-
But then, they have a misunderstanding. The narration says: "Sometimes no matter what words you use, you still can't get your message across." Frustrated, he gives up communicating with her in Sign Language. He says "That's enough" in Japanese, and they part. Then one winter day, he gets an unexpected email from her while he's out drinking with his friends. She says: "I don't know what to say, even though this is my last email to you..." His buddy says to him "I told you it wasn't good idea to get involved with her." Right after reading her message, he bolts out of the bar, and runs to her as fast as he can. His friend comments: "It must be love." She has just gotten his return email as she stands on the platform waiting for the train. The message is his first ever communication with her: "Is it okay if I ...next to you?" And they are together again.

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[JSL Finger Spelling] [ASL Finger Spelling] [+Presentation]

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